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Grounds for political asylum in the United States
15.01.2021 в 16:12

The U.S. provides immigrant and non-immigrant visas depending on the purpose of your visit and the desired period of stay. Available options include temporary work visas (lawyer h1b visa for specialist), family sponsorships, visas for foreign nationals with demonstrated ability, visas for investors, and many others. Every year a large number of people turn to a Houston asylum immigration lawyer and ask the United States for protection because they have been persecuted in their home country or have a well-founded fear of future persecution for the following reasons: 1. Race 2. Religion 3. Nationality 4. Belonging to a certain social group 5. Political views Only the above factors can provide grounds for political asylum in the United States, not the poor economic situation in the applicant's home country or his or her dissatisfaction with the country as a whole. If an applicant is granted refugee status, he or she has the right to stay and work legally in the United States indefinitely. After one year from the date of obtaining this status, the refugee may change it to permanent resident status in the United States and, accordingly, obtain a residence permit («green card»). To apply for political asylum, the applicant must be in the United States or at the U.S. border, and not a U.S. citizen.

The rules for applying for political asylum:

- You must complete the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) form, following the prescribed instructions for completing it. — it is necessary to provide all available documents confirming that there were cases of persecution in the homeland, as well as the fact that the applicant has a well-founded fear of returning there. Persecution means threats, bullying, beatings, imprisonment, abduction, as well as deprivation of rights such as freedom of speech, political opinion, or religious belief. Different authorities act as stalkers in such cases: police, church, various military organizations, etc. Various groups of people are also regarded as stalkers, whose illegal activities are not prevented (and in some cases supported) by the state. It should be taken into account that personal dislike or various problems of the applicant, not related to the grounds for political asylum in the USA, do not entitle the applicant to asylum. After some time, the applicant receives an invitation to an interview with an immigration officer. During the interview, the applicant has the opportunity to convince him or her that persecution has occurred and that there is a well-founded fear of return. After this interview, the applicant receives a decision on his application. There are two options. If the applicant persuaded the officer of his fears, the officer approved the petition. If the officer has any doubts, the applicant's case is automatically referred to the court. It should be remembered that each case has its own unique facts and before applying for asylum in the United States you should consult licensed asylum lawyers houston. As a result of this consultation, the Houston immigration lawyer will be able to assess all the chances of the applicant, taking into account all individual factors. Also, the immigration lawyers in Houston will help develop the most effective strategy that will lead to a successful outcome of the case.


Кіберполіціїя: що таке скам, як його розпізнати та захиститись
Щодня українці стають жертвами шахраїв онлайн, втрачаючи особисті дані та кошти. Разом з Кіберполіцією ми пояснюємо, що таке скам, які схеми найпоширеніші та як захиститися від зловмисників в Інтернеті.

Стендап-зірка Лєра Мандзюк у неділю вразить Одесу новою концертною програмою
24 листопада о 18.00 у філармонії подарує всім найвеселіший стендап-концерт, дві години нестримного сміху, море імпровізації і сотні усмішок. «Беріть своїх друзів, близьких і всі приходьте! Бо буде фосо! — у фірмовому закарпатському стилі запрошує Лєра Мандзюк. — Се буде самий чесний стендап із усіх, які я писала і самий смішний з усіх, які ви чули. Нема гарантії, що він буде в ютубі. Тож ваше завдання: купити квитки, покликати друзів, взяти гарний настрій і прийти. Буду рада вас бачити!»

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